Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Does he looked CUTE or Does he look CUTE????? Heard that he actually purchased one copy of the Deathly Hallows while in Berlin...GAH!!
and he will be going back to USA to study English in November 2007, enrolling to a reputable language school to prepare for a leading role a Hollywood producer asked him to consider!!!!!WHOA!WHOA!WHOA!
RAIN:, “After watching the very first episode of the American show , I know all the dialogues from there by heart now. There is not a problem when I’m basically listening to the dialogue. But in order to invest in a comprehensive study, I will attend a language school in the US. I have not decided whether I’ll be studying in Los Angeles or in New York.”
Waaa I need to have those F.R.I.E.N.D.S. episodes waaaaaaa!

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