Monday, July 23, 2007

Rain in Spain...

Magazine photoshoot...VOGUE in Spain...
This one is actually not part of the mag shoot just Ji Hoon giving some pose for his homies...hmmm...gloomy? Ji Hoon I heart you hahahahahaSee this, a run down wall, but looks radiant with Ji Hoon around hahaha, biased hehehe
A China Cloud's cousin was in Berlin, and Jihoon went up to her asking for directions.
The cousin did not recognise him (she's not a fan), so she said "I don't know. Can't you see I'm a foreigner too?"Jihoon laughed and apologised. Then he said goodbye and went off with his security.
The cousin was still feeling ridiculous (why would a foreigner ask a foreigner for directions?! ) then she realised he's Rain...Wah....uri Jihoon can ask directions in English! His English must have improved a lot!I think he approached her because she's Asian too....a sense of familiarity, maybe?Hahaa.....cute.

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