Sunday, June 10, 2007

Inki sang

As we all know Ji Hoon won the Popularity award at the Daejong Awards Night , but did you know that Ji Hoon was originally not attending this ceremony? because there's already a leakage that he will not get the Best Actor trophy but then what made him change his stance was the thought of his loving fans who will be waiting for him that night...and the director of "I'm a Cyborg but It's okay" Mr. PD Park cancelled his appointment the moment he heard that Ji Hoon will be attending the ceremony and decided to join him instead awww so sweet... and the moment they stepped on the red carpet wherein "It's Raining" was being played, the Korean clouds went wild literally, welcoming Ji Hoon with their defeaning screams of 'Sarang hae Oppa"
Indeed, Ji Hoon knew his loving fans too well, the disappoitment of the fans might be devastating if Ji Hoon forego the ceremony...and so Ji Hoon rewarded all of them with his beaming smile... to die for...ahhhh, is that for me?or this one?or this one perhaps? Ji Hoon looked dapper in his suit, my, my was it hot in Korea that night...or bright "sunny" night?the little girl who won the Most Popular actress was Moon Geum Young, which by the way played the young Jenny in Autumn in my Heart who was later portrayed by Song Hye Kyo as the adult Jenny, hmmmm...speech time...Congrats Ji Hoon!

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