The husband and wife (Conrad and Anette) posing under the sign of The ALTIVO BAR, where supposedly RAIN had his ice lemon tea hehehe (that's a trivia courtesy of Jenny, one of the waitress at that bar, and a Filipina at that!)
no gig is complete without The group picture, and this is just ONE of them hehehe, made possible by the automatic counter of one of the so many cameras that day...
Straight from the Jewel Box menu, a
latte, yup it does taste like coffee but in a not so comfy mug i might say...
this one's the iced lemon tea, he...tasted like lemon...tea?not! it's actually a coke!
with chicha...tacos grilled at that with 3 side dippings, a sour cream ( ahhh not sour nor ahhh does it have a taste at all?), a salsa ( yeah, puede pasar!), and the patok
this ones after the storm hehehe, forgot to take a pic of the
before (hungry! pabo yah!) and a lightly grilled sandwich
ala taco bell with potato wedges ( hmmm this ones good!)
and as I was looking around, saw this open concept toilet, breezie, yep!
after the lafang, we trooped to queue for the cable car ride to Sentosa, whew! talk about QUEUEing up, took us actually 30minutes tops before our turn to kill time, we decided to have a mock-SANTACRUZAN...complete with the floral arches, the pole bearers and of course the Queen (reyna delas flores! nya hahahaha!)
once again our reigning queen...
Da-Se-Lei no less or more?
as we turn into the last curve, saw this interesting pool of cable cars...wonder who invented them? well, want to share some trivia but too lazy to search for it ha, you can do a more decent job on finding go!
ah, but searching for this photo, me not lazy hahahaha...and a little trivie...yup RAIN did used cable car # 88 and according to the sources , yep it's their dining cable car he used, he was actually eating inside atop the coachie while being interviewed (yeah , yeah privy from the stalkers' eyes and he's filled up as well, cya, cya! talk 'bout strategy!)
so, match, match with the tons of pics i've taken that day and voila! yes! eureka! this was the one RAIN used, hahaha (wondering, how did he managed to squeezed in?)
enough!after lining up for the long...est...est...est...est of time, we finally boarded and glance upon the world below. Hey, we spotted a luxury the not so distant future...this can be a potential topic on this blog...yeah unnies, oppahs? arso?!
closer view perhaps?wow, luxurious indeed!
hmmm reminds me of 'Titanic' days, when Leonardo di Caprio was the one I fancied hehehe, hey that was during the board exams awwww!
passing the other side of Vivo City...this one got a nicer view with most of the restos can be seen...
after some 'bobbing' aboard the cable car, we finally reached our next destination...Sentosa Island! And the first thing that caught our eyes was the Sky Tower ( brought to you by Carlsberg beer...the best beer in the world!)